Commonly known as Pompom, Daisy Mum, Cushion, Button, and Spray Mum, Pompon flowers are annual flowering plants that
are part of the chrysanthemum’s family.
The flowers are called pompons because their fullness makes them resemble the pompons that cheerleaders use.
Pompon flowers are often used in bouquets
and centerpieces because they complement just about any flower. Depending on the variety, they have short petals surrounding
a pin-cushion center or longer petals extending from the outer ring of the bloom. Pompons are sure to add plenty of texture
to any floral arrangement.
We carry the largest selection of Pompons
in the market: 75+ varieties in 9 different colors.
©2022 Florexpo
1960 Kellogg Ave, Carlsbad CA 92008
©2020 The Queen’s Flowers
7001 NW 25th St, Miami FL 33122
©2020 The Queen’s Flowers
7001 NW 25th St, Miami FL 33122